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  • Yes. The installation is an issue of common concern for building indoor play center, that’s why our engineers and designers devote lots of time to improving the installation manual. Now together with installation video, the manual is detailed enough for our clients to install accordingly step by step. And our team is always ready to help solve any problem you encounter during the installation till...

  • Production schedules vary depending on the size and complexity of the equipment. However, a general rule of thumb is approximately 15-25 days from the contract date. We will work with you on a schedule that best meets your business needs and we’ll guarantee the installation date.

  • Generally the indoor play center is divided into Main Play Zone and Toddler Zone, considering the motor skills of different ages and the safety during play. The Main Play Zone is for 3-12 years old and Toddler Zone for 1-3 years old.

  • We have Classic, Jungle, Ocean, Candy, Pirateship, Castle, etc. We could also offer custom theme according to your requirements.Jungle Themed Indoor PlaygroundCandy Themed Indoor PlaygroundOcean Themed Indoor PlaygroundCastle Themed Indoor Playground

  • The standard floor height of indoor play center is 1.4m. We advise 5 floors the maximum and the minimum ceiling height not less than 2.5m.

  • As a general guide, indoor play centers will cost broadly $13,500 to set up a 100sqm (1076 sq ft) unit. We will help you to design the optimum layout for your building and will design your play equipment to suit your building characteristics, your play preference and your play budget.

  • Send any potential buildings that you consider for the indoor play center to us and we will advise on the appropriateness of the building. We will consider a range of factors including building dimensions and building height, car parking, local catchment, planning change of use potential.

  • Simply call one of our sales today. We’ll make your job easier by helping determine the best equipment fit for your business or organization. We’ll provide you with samples, pricing and great advice to help you get going with the indoor playground equipment.